Weights and Measures professional development ranks #1 in nation
October 12, 2023

Louisiana is currently the holder of 62 Basic Credentials, which ranks #1 in the USA.
For the past 5 years, LDAF’s Weights and Measures Division has been participating in the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Professional Certification Program. In these 5 years Louisiana Weights and Measures officials have passed 147 Professional Exams, which ranks #3 in the country in active certificates. NCWM also offers two basic level exams (1 on Weighing and 1 on Measuring). Louisiana is currently the holder of 62 Basic Credentials, which ranks #1 in the USA.
Professional certifications are offered in many industries to demonstrate competence in particular fields of expertise. Certification may be a means of qualifying an individual for employment or higher pay grade within a profession. The NCWM Professional Certification Program provides confidence that an individual has a strong understanding of U.S. weights and measures standards as adopted by NCWM and published in Handbooks 44, 130, and 133 .
Our inspectors have successfully completed exams in subject areas such as:
Retail Motor Fuel Dispensing
Small Capacity Weighing Systems
Large Capacity Scales
Price Verification
Package Checking
Method of Sale
The exams are proctored by La. Civil Service, LSU-A Testing Center, and in LDAF’s Haughton and Crowley District Offices.