Office of Soil and Water Conservation
Provides conservation assistance and education to landowners, business owners, educators, and the public
The Office of Soil and Water Conservation (OSWC) provides technical and financial assistance to the state’s 44 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs). With assistance from state and federal partners and local SWCDs, we identify natural resource concerns through a locally led process, starting with the meeting of resource management agencies, local landowners, and community stakeholders. Local Work Groups then convene to evaluate natural resource conditions in a conservation needs assessment and establish broad conservation goals to meet those needs. SWCDs will then harness the necessary resources to successfully conserve and manage local resources through implementation of voluntary conservation programs and practices.
Sustains Louisiana’s renewable natural resources through initiatives including :
Agricultural Solid Waste Management
Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement
Agricultural Prescribed Burner Certification
Marshland Prescribed Burner Certification
Coastal Wetlands Re-vegetation
Conservation Information & Education
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
Farm Bill Program Assistance
Provides assistance with invasive species removal:
Feral hog trap rentals
Giant Salvinia Weevil Program
Contact info
Mailing addressBaton Rouge, LA 70806