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Louisiana Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Advisory Board

Supports the growth and development of the industrial hemp industry in Louisiana by enhancing research, education, promotion, facilities, and industrial hemp-related activities throughout the state.

The Louisiana Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Program was created by Act 462 of the 2022 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session. Its purpose is to support the growth and development of the industrial hemp industry in Louisiana by enhancing research, education, promotion, facilities, and industrial hemp-related activities throughout the state.

The Louisiana Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Advisory Board was created within the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry by Act 462 of the 2022 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session. The board:

  • Advises the Commissioner on the development and maintenance of the Louisiana Industrial Hemp Promotion and Research Program

  • Maintains a permanent record of its proceedings

The board may:

  • Provide information to the governmental entities upon requests on subjects of concern to the industrial hemp industry

  • Collaborate with the state or federal government on the development and administration of the program

  • Cooperate with any local, state, regional, or national organization or agency engaged in activities consistent with the objective so the program

  • Make recommendations to the House and Senate committees on agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and rural development on legislation relative to the regulation of industrial hemp

The Commissioner may adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to administer the program and enter into contracts or other agreements to accomplish any authorized purpose, including advertising, education, marketing, promotion, research, or services.

See industrial hemp .

The board meets at least twice a year and may meet at other times on the call of the chairman or any four members.


No upcoming meetings are currently scheduled.




Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Thursday, July 20, 2023



Thursday, May 4, 2023

( Legislative Education & Public Relations Subcommittee )


Minutes *

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

( Legislative Education & Public Relations Subcommittee )



Tuesday, March 14, 2023



Tuesday, November 15, 2022



* Designates tentative minutes that are pending approval


The board consists of 15 members, each appointed by a specific authority:

  1. One member who is engaged in the production of industrial hemp or industrial hemp seed appointed by the Louisiana farm Bureau Federation, Inc.

  2. One member appointed by the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

  3. One member appointed by the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center

  4. One member appointed by the speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives

  5. One member appointed by the president of the Louisiana Senate

  6. One member appointed by the chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development

  7. One member appointed by the chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development

  8. One member appointed by the commissioner who is a licensed grower of industrial hemp

  9. One member appointed by the commissioner who is a licensed processor of industrial hemp

  10. One member appointed by the commissioner who is a consumer of industrial hemp

  11. One member appointed by the commissioner who is representative of the Louisiana industrial hemp industry

  12. One member appointed by the Louisiana Black Farmers Cannabis and Hemp Association

  13. One member appointed by the Morehouse Parish Black Farmers and Landowners Association

  14. One member appointed by the Louisiana Cannabis Association

  15. One member appointed by the Gulf South Hemp Association

Additionally, the commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry or their designee shall serve as an ex officio member in an advisory capacity only.


The commissioner may accept and expend monies from any source, including gifts, contributions, donations, state appropriations, and federal grants, and may accept and use services from individuals, corporations, and governmental entities.

Funds made available to the commissioner include, but are not limited to the following uses:

  1. To attract additional business associated with the industrial hemp industry to Louisiana, including processors.

  2. To develop and promote Louisiana industrial hemp brands or marketing campaigns.

  3. To aid in the development of a coordinated research plan designed to develop higher quality industrial hemp seeds and plants best suited for cultivation within the state, new and improved uses for industrial hemp, and best management practices.

  4. To develop education programs and disseminated educational materials about industrial hemp.

  5. To support the enhancement and maintenance of public-use industrial hemp facilities, specifically those used for the purpose of promotion and research.

  6. To promote activities, facilities, events, and the needs of the Louisiana hemp industry.

  7. To contract for scientific research with accredited postsecondary education institutions, or similar educational institutions, and industrial hemp licensees authorized to conduct industrial hemp research under the Industrial Hemp Law that will assist in carrying out the purpose of the program, including industrial hemp best management practices.

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