Custom exempt information
Have your animals processed under a custom exemption and what is required to open a custom exempt facility
Custom exemptions are a federal allowance that exempts a facility from day-to-day inspection. You will need to acquire a Custom Exempt Grant of Inspection from the LDAF Meat & Poultry Inspection program office. We'll send someone to you to discuss your current progress and what is needed in order to get your exemption. There are no fees to apply.
To get started, contact us by phone at 225-922-1358 or email at meatinspection@ldaf.la.gov .
Custom exemption quick reference guide
Overview of requirements for custom exemption, which exempts meat and poultry processors from federal inspection.
LDAF Custom Exempt Facility Guidelines
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If you are a livestock producer that wants to fill your family's freezer or sell your live animal to a neighbor so that they can fill theirs, the best place to start is at your local custom plant.
These plants are checked regularly by department personnel for sanitation, facility upkeep and proper documentation.
Here's a link to find one near you. Simply look for the green pins.
Direct marketing is the business of selling products or services directly to the public, e.g. by social media, email or telephone, rather than through retailers.
While this has always been a common method of selling live animals, when combined with the state’s network of custom exempt slaughter and processing facilities, it can allow livestock producers to directly reach their target customers and vice versa. This may include multiple customers dividing a single animal by halves, quarters, packages, etc.
Direct marketing and custom exempt plants
How to efficiently sell meat products directly to the public ("direct marketing") by using custom exempt plants and following specific guidance (e.g. purchase must occur while the animal is live, resulting products must be marked "not for sale").
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