Wholesale inspection information
Find the requirements for selling meat and poultry wholesale to stores, restaurants, and institutions
LDAF’s Meat & Poultry Inspection (MPI) program offers state wholesale inspection for businesses that want to produce meat and poultry products that will be sold to other businesses for resale. Inspection personnel are present at all times during livestock slaughter operations and at least part of each shift during further processing operations.
In order to use the LA Inspected and Passed logo, inspected plants maintain and follow HACCP and SSOP plans to ensure that wholesome products are made safely in a sanitary environment.
Marketing Your Animals PowerPoint
More information about the regulatory landscape
Meat plant regions
Map of meat and poultry inspection areas in Louisiana, including contact information for area offices
These opportunities change frequently as funding becomes available.
Cooperative Agreements:
Local Foods for Schools (LFS)
- designed to benefit USDA’s National School Lunch Program
Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA) - intended to aid Food Banks with procurement for TEFAP style program
Point of contact - Crystal Tipton ctipton@ldaf.state.la.us Office = (318) 339-7642
They are looking for local, minimally processed, raw products for schools and food banks. Grants will compensate producers for these products.
From AAMP:
Value-Added Grant Program Open for Producer-Controlled Meat and Poultry Processors
Producer-owned or controlled meat and poultry processing enterprises may seek funding for feasibility studies, business and marketing plans, and working capital through USDA Rural Development's Value Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program, which opened for applications last week. VAPG is an annual grant program intended to help farmers and ranchers generate new products, create marketing opportunities, and increase their income through value-added activities. Eligible applicants include independent producers, agricultural producer groups, farmer or rancher cooperatives, and majority-controlled producer-based business ventures. One part of the VAPG program offers up to $75,000 for developing feasibility studies and business plans. The second part offers up to $250,000 for working capital expenses, including costs associated with processing, marketing, advertising, inventory and salaries. Both grants require a 100 percent match, which can include a combination of cash and in-kind expenses. ***Paper applications must be postmarked and delivered by mail, email or in person to the state office where the project is proposed. Electronic applications will be accepted via Grants.gov ***
LDAF-administered grant:
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program
(At this time, not accepting meat & poultry facility requests by USDA decision)
LDAF site - https://www.ldaf.la.gov/business/grants-funding/resilient-food-systems-infrastructure
USDA site - https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/rfsi
Meat and Poultry Processing Technical Assistance
See Meat and Poultry Processing Technical Assistance (MPPTA)
Contact info
Species that require inspection under the law are called "amenable species":
Chickens (domestically raised)
Equine (not currently funded)
Ratites (emu, ostrich, rhea)
Squabs (young pigeons from one to about 30 days of age)
Species not requiring inspection
Non-amenable species are not subject to federal meat inspection, though might be subject to FDA and Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) regulation. They include:
Deer (farm raised)
Game birds, such as quail and pheasant (domestically raised)
Rabbit (see LDH's small animal requirements )
Waterfowl, such as swans (domestically raised)
Contact info
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